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A letter from the Chief Project Co-ordinator

Dearly Beloved,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

As we have entered the 21st century, there is the urgent need to draw your attention to the over 350million unsaved people in the continent of Africa that need the gospel of the love and saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This is a clarion call to inspire every member of the Body of Christ to be sensitive to this huge evangelism task, and the great opportunities the continent of Africa has afforded to win her for Christ. The harvest is truly plenty but the labourers are few.


Africa 21st Century Project is a synergy of relationships, resources for the urgent and rapid evangelization of Africa this century. You are welcome to be part of this kingdom initiative.



John Deby Edukugho

Chief Project Co-ordinator



Towards the third quarter of the 20th century, the church has been seen to be diminishing in genuine concern, spiritual sensitivity, and sincere burden for the rapid evangelization of Africa. We have been trifling with missions and evangelism campaign to rescue over 350 million people in the continent who are lost without Christ.

We have gradually abdicated our responsibility and allowed the politicians to seize the initiative to dominiate the scenes through back door economic policies and insincere diplomacy; whereas the Lord has given the church the continent of Africa to possess as her inheritance of His kingdom.

Africa is a land that has been ravaged by wars, ethnic cleansing, diseases, especially the HIV/AIDS scourge, abuse of political powers and economic resources by corrupt political leadership. She is waiting to be liberated not by gun totting militias or corrupt politicians but by Soldiers of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Thank God for the past and present missionaries and evangelists who have been at the forefront of the evangelization of Africa for Christ, nevertheless, there is so much work left to be done. The task of evangelism is still huge, and the continent provides great opportunities for genuine soul harvesting for the kingdom of God.


Since the beginning of this century, the Lord has been speaking concerning the urgent need for a NEW BREED OF SOUL HARVESTERS IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD, especially the church leadership to take a bolder initiative to enforce the rapid evangelization of Africa. This has brought the emergence of this new initiative: AFRICA 21ST CENTURY PROJECT; a synergy of world evangelism efforts for Africa. A kingdom alert for Africa. Christ for Africa must now be a motto worthy of every Christian and the theme of our life-long pre-occupation, knowing that God has a definite and deliberate plan to redeem every lost person of every tribe of every race and every nation. (Matthew 28:18-20).



Harnessing kingdom relationships, resources for the rapid evangelization of Africa in the 21st century through the word of God, and the out-working of love, in order to make Jesus Christ the banner of all nations in Africa.



  1. The divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit and of the Holy Scripture as our source of authority and guardian in all matters of faith, morals, missions and ministry.
  2. Holiness, prayerfulness, walking in love, good stewardship, passion for saving lost souls, integrity of life as Biblical pre-requisite for Christian service.
  3. The primacy of evangelism and discipleship through word and deed in making Jesus Christ the banner of nations in the continent of Africa. Proclaiming the goodnews of the love and saving grace of Christ to the nations of Africa as an obligation of love and self-evident duty as Ambassadors of Christ.
  4. Partnership with Churches, Ministries, Christians, Charity organizations, governments, specialized agencies requiring co-operation and synergy in terms of not only evangelism, discipleship but also Aid and Development projects that will improve both the educational, health, social and economic life of the people of Africa.
  5. The importance of not forgetting the poor, since this is very special in the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  6. Engage in rapid training and support of Evangelists and Missionaries.
  7. The strategic importance of reaching out to the leadership in African nations (the base of influence and power).
  8. To promote consistent intercession for peace and progress of Africa.
  9. To promote consistent intercession for the body of Christ.
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