The church is in its most challenging period where the hearts of believers are growing cold towards evangelism. Infact the meaning of evangelism has been skewed and lost significantly. The mission of Jesus Christ is no longer their mission. His passion for the lost and perishing is no longer theirs. Evangelistic preaching has become an endangered species in our idolatrous and dying world.
Awake! Awake!! O slumbering church, for your master and Lord Jesus Christ calleth! Stop neglecting and relegating evangelism to the barest essential. The love that drove Him to the cross must reverberate in our hearts to seek for the lost. Putting eternity – with – Christ in the heart of the lost sinners must be our sacred priority. It is high time all Christians understood that anxious sinners are in very serious and critical state; a time when their destinies are likely to be settled forever. Christians need to feel deeply for their condition because there is no second chance in hell. Learn more Click here
Arise & Work, an arm of Jesus Christ Power World Evangelism is specifically established to sensitize and challenge ministers, leaders in the church, and equip them for the first responsibility of the church, as commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ, which is to love and evangelize.
Arise & Work will organize conferences and workshops regularly, for ministers and church leaders, where evangelism challenges and strategies will be discussed; the importance and urgency of preaching, teaching and emphasizing the practice of love and holiness in the church will be revitalized.
These conferences will take place at various locations locally and internationally.
One assured result of the conference is that participants would be properly and adequately galvanized to go back to their churches / ministries and impart their members with the required knowledge and strategies for evangelism. This will engender increased evangelism and soul – winning activities. Those who have the calling to be full – time evangelists would be encouraged, the laborers for the ‘great harvest’ will increase, and the Church will take its rightful place. It will sprak a new enthusiasm and commitment to living the life of love and holiness amongst all followers of Christ by faith, so that they can be heavenly focused.
Let us all Arise and Work the works of God now that it is still day, because night is coming when no one can work (John 9:4). Let brotherly love continue.
Love you all.